In these uncertain times, the Village Sociable Project delivers an easy way to reach out to people you care about (or strangers who could use a beer) so they know you’re thinking about them. Yeah, getting a surprise beer is always nice, but what this is really about is making sure we stay socially connected so no one feels like they’re going through this alone.
Even if you don’t send beer, we encourage you to reach out any way you can. Send a text. Use your phone as a “telephone” (we know, it’s weird) and actually call someone. Use Skype or FaceTime to get everybody virtually around the table. Fax your grandpa.
How you connect isn’t important. Getting Sociable is all about sharing time even when you’re apart. Whether it’s forest fire smoke, 100-year floods or global pandemics, this city knows It Takes a Village — and lots of love — to get through the hard times. So let’s send it, Calgary.
How to spread cheers by sending beers:
- Recognize the friends, family, co-workers or front-line heroes who need a pick-me-up the most, make sure you know their address.
- Shop in our online store for your recipient’s favourite beer or cider.
- Once your cart is full, select Edit Cart and tick off Ship to Multiple Addresses. You will be able to choose one or multiple friends at this point!
- Personalize your greeting and delivery date.
- Ship away.
- Share your social interactions (your virtual ‘cheers’) and use the hashtag #VillageSociable so we can grow our community – and get through this together.